May 7, 2014

The weak price of oil: government can do better for the retrenched

The crash in the price of oil has left not just left thousands of families facing uncertainty, but has also shown the weak foundation the economy has been built on. Easy money from oil has made us negligent on the development of other economic sectors.
May 8, 2014

How the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) can affect us

Malaysia signed on to the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA), a deal that will apparently liberalise trade and investment between 12 Pacific-rim countries. However, trade is only […]
May 9, 2014

When will Malaysia achieve the economic goals of high income status?

Vision2020 envisaged a developed country in line with Tun Dr. Mahathir’s “Malaysian: The Way Forward.” That was a really good and positive target. As usual, our […]
May 10, 2014

Devolution of unity among Malaysians

I recall my younger days, my friends and I were just friends at school. Today, we Malaysians look at one another through the lens of race […]
May 11, 2014

The risk posed by high Malaysian household debt

During the 1997 financial crisis, Malaysian banks were highly exposed to corporate debt. After that, they started becoming more aggressive in issuing debt to household to […]
May 12, 2014

Many Malaysian families living on the edge

Household debt in Malaysia has been rising rapidly due to the rising costs of living and the weakening economy. Those affected feel abandoned as they are […]
April 9, 2020

The GMO Controversy

Genetically modified organisms (GMO) technology, which allows the genes of plants to be modified in a laboratory, is making rapid gains in market share across the […]
April 9, 2020

The Evolution of Seed

Human civilisation would not have been possible without the advent of agriculture and the subsequent selective breedings  of plant traits. Today,  we are even able to […]
April 9, 2020

The rising global temperatures

While a few call climate change a hoax, most of us would agree with the majority of scientists that the planet is actually getting hotter. This […]
April 9, 2020

Why does 2° Celsius make so much difference?

Many policymakers are fighting to limit the rise in average global temperatures to two degrees Celsius. Even the 0.85% rise in average global temperatures we experience […]