The crash in the price of oil has left not just left thousands of families facing uncertainty, but has also shown the weak foundation the economy has been built on. Easy money from oil has made us negligent on the development of other economic sectors.
Malaysia signed on to the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA), a deal that will apparently liberalise trade and investment between 12 Pacific-rim countries. However, trade is only […]
Vision2020 envisaged a developed country in line with Tun Dr. Mahathir’s “Malaysian: The Way Forward.” That was a really good and positive target. As usual, our […]
During the 1997 financial crisis, Malaysian banks were highly exposed to corporate debt. After that, they started becoming more aggressive in issuing debt to household to […]
Household debt in Malaysia has been rising rapidly due to the rising costs of living and the weakening economy. Those affected feel abandoned as they are […]
Despite the weirdness of existence, most of us are able to get on with our lives and avoid debilitating feelings of despair, personal failure, and cosmic […]
An existential crisis is a moment at which an individual questions the very foundations of their life: whether this life has any meaning, purpose, or value. […]
Like the pampered life that parallels the early life of Siddharta, enjoying the carnal pleasures in his father’s palace, it’s natural for us in this present […]